Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 22

The weekend rolls around again, and Jon sweet talked the therapists into allowing him to have some therapy again this weekend. I was at home with the kids most of the day, so once again I will let Jon do the talking, and I'll just type.

My walking continued but with at twist today. For the first time they had me use a "hemi" walker, which is a walker you can use with just one hand. I walked the length of the gym and back four times, with almost no assistance (they are still having to keep my knee in place so it doesn't give way when I walk)! I also did a few new arm exercises and feel like I am slowly developing more movement in my arm.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow, since I don't have any therapy, but I should have some more visitors, and that is always nice. I had more visits from good friends already this weekend, which is always enjoyable. The kids and the in-laws are coming by tomorrow, so that will be fun too. I expect (and hope) to sleep well tonight after another strenuous day in therapy!

And we are enjoying our new and larger room!

Okay, now it's back to the Brenda narration. I need to tell Jon he needs to spice his comments up a bit! But overall it's been another good week. We found out this week that Jon's tentative discharge date is July 5, which seems like a long way off, but we need to stay here as long as he's making progress and improving. It does mean spending Father's Day, his birthday and the 4th of July here, but we can handle that.

We won't update again until Monday, hopefully with even better news. And we do appreciate all of our followers. We hope this blog is helpful in keeping everyone updated.


  1. Hi:

    Yay! Was not able to post a comment yesterday. I promised myself that I would comment each time there was a blog and I couldn't do it yesterday because there was a glitch on this end. Sorry about that.

    Jon: I am so proud of you. You are so much stronger than you know and that strength comes from our Lord.....prayers have been flowing since the beginning and they will continue as long as you, Brenda and the kids need them. You are such a blessing to many folks and we are grateful for your friendship.

    Keep up the good work and God bless you.


  2. Jon, I just want you to know how absolutely thrilled we are at the progress you are making. I know you have been giving it everything you've got, and I am so proud of your strength and determination. You are an inspiration. (I can't believe I'm actually putting that in print, but it's true.)

    I am very much looking forward to being able to come up and visit again. I will bring iced tea and chili, or whatever it is you want.

    Much love and prayers,

  3. Hi Jon! Hi Brenda!
    I just want you to know I've been following the blog, and most importantly of all, praying for you guys, but I haven't had time to post a comment. The one time I took the time to comment, it wouldn't take it for some reason. My daughter Grace just graduated from high school so we have been very busy with all that comes with the end of senior year. Last night we had a fun party for her. She will leave for Tulane in New Orleans in a short two weeks.

    Sooo! it sounds like "Ken" is heating up the gym with your rehab walks. I'm am so impressed with your progress, Jon, and expected nothing less.

    Your eagerness and intentness on getting better and stronger each day is so important.

    I have been keeping the student life division at UMHB updated on your progress and we pray for you and your family as a group in our staff meetings.

    I pray you have another strong week this week and that each day holds something new and wonderful in your quest to regain full mobility, speech and strength.

    God Bless! and a big hug!

    -Sue Weaver
