Sunday, July 10, 2011

More New Beginnings

Once again, this is Jon typing the blog as I give Brenda another night off. Tomorrow (Monday) will be a really big, but we'll have more on that in a minute.

We had a nice relaxing weekend as we tried to rest up for a big week. The family went to church together for the first time since the stroke this morning. It was a great feeling to get back and say thank you face-to-face to so many people for their prayers, cards, support and encouragement. Then we went out to lunch and made it home just in time to watch the U.S. Women's Soccer teams incredible comeback victory over Brazil. It was so much fun to see Brooke's reaction and excitement. That probably sounds mundane to most of you, but we've come to enjoy the mundane since it gives us a chance to get back to the way things were before the stroke.

We will have more "new beginnings" tomorrow. I will return to work tomorrow morning for the first time since May19th. I will be on what the doctor calls "light duty" for the time being as I continue to build up stamina. Then we have my physical and occupational therapy evaluations on Monday. It will be nice to get back to "work" in that way, too. We also hope to get my therapy schedule tomorrow so that we can make some plans and get a better idea of what my days will be like for the next few weeks.

Thanks for putting up with another entry from me and I promise to turn things back over to Brenda soon. Sorry for the delay in posting, but there hasn't been a whole lot to report. Hopefully, progress will pick up again this week and we will have more good news to share again soon. Also, thanks to all of you for continuing to follow our blog!

1 comment:

  1. Okay, UMHB, watch out because here comes Jon.

    Hey Jon....what a wonderful day for you and your family. It might be a little harder than you thought it would be, only because you will tire more easily. There will be so many folks wishing you "welcome back" that you probably won't be able to get much real work done, but THAT'S OKAY! Because, it's a new beginning...a new beginning in a familiar place with people who love and respect you. You'll do amazingly well. Mark and I are so proud of you.

    Getting your schedule set will help you out. You and I are alike in that respect....we kind of like our schedules set so we can look ahead and plan a little bit, right? Then you'll be able to arrange your therapy and work calendar.

    Mark and I continue to pray for your continued recovery and for your whole family. You are never alone, Jon, for God and all of His saints and angels are watching over feel that love all you have to do is be still for a moment, close your eyes, and experience the calm and healing that is a real presence in your life.

    God bless all of you.

