Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 26s

Oh my what a day!!! I've been in Temple working since Monday, so I missed two days of therapy, and it seems like I've missed a week! I can't believe the progress Jon has made even in the short amount of time I was gone. He is working so hard and it is definitely showing.

He's been using his "hemi" walker since Saturday and really is improving on it. He still needs some help to steady his knee, but he's gaining so much strength and endurance that he can walk more and more each day. Today he walked 166 feet! He even walked up a few stairs. He can't quite bring his knee up to the step, but with the help of the therapist he could make it, even turn, then come back down. So that was great to see. I couldn't stop smiling at the progress he's made. He seems to have more energy, more enthusiasm and of course more of his "dare devil" streak, so he keeps doing things he's not supposed to be doing!!! So I told on him today, and he's had some nice lectures from his therapist.

He ended up having two hours of PT today, and didn't have OT at all, so that worked out well. His therapist worked with him in the room and was able to see that he can pretty much transfer himself in and out of bed by himself, so that is significant as well. And he can turn himself better in bed, so hopefully they won't have to keep turning him every two hours. In his second session of PT, he was on a NuStep, which is similar to an elliptical machine, but you sit down. And that is great for his leg strength. It helps him work his knees and keep bending them, but it really wears him out! He will keep doing that every day, so he should keep improving more each day.

In speech therapy he actually had to write a "story" similar to what he would do at UMHB, and he was able to do it in 13 minutes, which we think is pretty good for one hand!

So overall, he's having another good week. He's so determined to get back into shape and it shows, and all of the staff are determined to help him! I know it comes as no surprise that he's working as hard as he is, but I do have to brag and say how proud I am of him. His attitude is wonderful and it's amazing how much a positive attitude affects progress! He is so nice to the other "residents" and is so encouraging to them, and it's so touching to see him reach out and encourage those who aren't as determined and encouraged as he is. And that is the Jon we all know and love!

I have no doubt that all of your support and encouragement are helping him daily, and we continue to thank God for the love and support we have. And of course, we thank you too!


  1. Hooray!! We are definitely planning to come see him tomorrow evening, but we won't stay too long. With all that work, he'll need his rest too. :)

  2. 166 feet? Wow! You're on fire now, Jon. I know you are working hard and are determined to get your strength back as quickly as possible. You are amazing, but all of us have known this for some time.

    Smile for the day: Remember when we catered for the pressbox? One Saturday we fixed chicken pot pie and for dessert I made peach cobbler. We carried the hot trays inside insulated carriers. We got to the elevator and a few of the students were around and offered to help. I told them they could take the carriers into the elvator, but before I could say anything, one of the students lifted the carrier up and turned it almost vertical. I said, "No! No! Keep it level!" Too late....that day we had peach cobbler with chicken pot pie gravy it. I picked peas and corn out of the cobbler and tried to clean up the inside of the carrier. Talk about a mess. I can laugh now, but it was tense at the time. No one said anything bad about the food that day.....that was sweet. All in a days work, I guess.

    Brenda, Jacob and Brooke: Stay strong and keep the faith. This, too, shall pass.

    God bless all of you.

  3. 13 minutes, one hand?! Nice! But I want to know if you're still pecking with just the index finger?? I swear, I've never seen anyone type faster just pecking at it!! All kidding aside, just wanted you to know that I think of you and pray for you daily friend!! God bless, and keep it up!!! :)

    Emily Breedlove
