Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Day 18

Today's post will be a little bit different. I had to go back to work today:( I would much rather have been here with Jon, but he seemed to fare okay without me (believe it or not). I do have to say that while it was difficult to go back to work, I have some wonderful co-workers who made it easier. It's nice to know so many people are still praying for us and checking in on us. It makes it all a little bit easier.

So since I haven't been around Jon as much today, I'm going to let him tell his own story! I'll just be the typist and let him have free reign - for the most part anyway, I do have to have some creative control! So here we go.

I had another good and productive day of therapy. They had me standing with a tray table in front of me in PT and put my weight on my bad leg, and that was the first time we had tried that. The therapist seemed encouraged. In speech therapy, we did the usual e-stim and vocal exercises, then had to do logic puzzles, which was not my favorite thing!

In recreational therapy, I set a new personal record in Yahtzee including two yahtzees in one game!

With Brenda back at work, I was on my own today and managed to get everywhere on time! I managed to steer my chair out of my room by myself, which is not the easiest thing to do! (I can attest to that. I usually run him into 3-4 things on the way out of the room each time, and he only says ouch once or twice now. It will be nice when the nurses stop laughing at me when I try to drive it!)

I want to thank you all for your support and well wishes. I had another big batch of cards today in the mail, and I am glad people are still following the blog. It means a lot to me that people are keeping tabs on me.


  1. Hey sweetie:

    So glad to hear from you today about your therapy and just "taking care of business." I know it must be hard work but you are just the guy to get it done. Prayers continue for you, Brenda and the kids numerous times per day. You just keep up the good work and remember how many people are praying.

    Smile for the day: I had pulled about 30 Texas 10-15 onions from our garden. When the tops fall over you are supposed to pull them out of the ground. Then you can either eat/cook them right away or hang them up to dry. Once they dry, 10-15's will last months and months. Well, last year I took about 8-10 onions at once and tied them together by their green tops and hung about 8 bundles (that's about 80 onions) in an old shed we have. Air gets in there but no sun or weather. We had onions all winter. This year so far I had bundled them into 4 or 5 bunches and hung them up. I knew our cows could get into the front part of the shed but who would think they would like onions? I have about 8 onions left. One bull we have ate almost all of them....guess they were really sweet. Then I went on line to check whether or not he would die, only to find out that all cows dearly LOVE wild onions and garlic and that many dairy farmers have to try to keep their cows from eating too many because the milk will tast like onions/garlic. They would have to eat about 40 lbs. of onions before they would be in peril. All I can say is I bet it cleaned them out good. Didn't want to get too close to them to smell their breath or get behind them to.....well, you know!

    Keep the faith and hange tough.


  2. The Buuck Family is praying for you and your family. Thank you and Brenda for sharing your info with us on the blog. Jeff would like to come by and visit with you if you are open to visitors. Please let us know if we can help out with the kids or anything else.
    -Shelly Buuck :)

  3. Hey Jon!
    You continue to amaze and inspire! I'm one of those people who reads your blog every day to keep up with you and I'm so thankful for you and Brenda providing the updates. I'm so thankful for your progress and impressed (but not surprised) with all your hard work in the various types of therapy. Keep up your win streak!! Your people care about you and are pulling for you and praying hard for you and your family.
    Mickey Kerr

  4. WOOHOO!!!! Way to go Jon!!!!! Your cheering section is here daily!!!! Keep up the hard work!


  5. Hello Wallin Family,
    I haven't been able to check the blog the past couple of days but I logged on tonight to see such good news. I am amazed by your strength and determination. Jon, it sounds like Brenda's driving of your wheelchair is similar to her driving her car;) Hopefully you don't have matching dents. You all are in my thoughts and prayers. Sending well wishes your way.
