Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New Challenges

We haven't updated in a while, which we apologize for, but unfortunately we have a need to now. Yesterday was four months since Jon had his stroke, and he is back in the hospital once again. He had some issues at home yesterday afternoon. We are not sure if he's having seizures or what exactly is going on, but his muscles and his body froze up yesterday afternoon and he ended up going by ambulance to the ED. He had a few more "episodes" in the ED, including what I would consider to be some significant ones.

They did a CT scan in the ED and the good news is they didn't see any new bleeding, or any increase in size of the blood still on his brain from the stroke. So they don't think he had another stroke.

He spent the night in the hospital last night, and has numerous tests today, including another MRI, EEG and whatever else they decide to throw his way! He's in pretty good spirits, and has been completely lucid and conscious through everything. So that is more good news.

They have stopped short of confirming that he is having seizures until they have the results of their tests in, but for now, that seems to be the guess. He hasn't lost any movement in his body, and while his left side is still a bit weaker from the stroke, it doesn't seem to have affected any of the progress he has made in the last four months. So we are grateful for that. He has come a long way and had worked soooo hard, that he was incredibly worried this might compromise that. Knock on wood, we haven't seen that so far.

That is about all we know for now. We are hoping to know more later this afternoon once everyone has had a chance to review the results of the tests. And as always, thank you! We have already received so many nice texts and e-mails, and it just means the world to us. This is just a blip on our radar, and we will get back into action again soon. It's a bit discouraging for Jon, as you can image, and also very scary. But he is a trooper and he's committed to getting the rest he needs so he can start back up with therapy and hit the ground running.

The support he receives from his friends and family are invaluable, and we can't thank you enough for the continued thoughts, prayers and encouraging words. Even four months later, he was still receiving cards and comments and prayers, and that is a wonderful feeling to know we have so many people out there still hanging in there with us!

So please keep those prayers going, and wish us luck! I will try to update again later today or tomorrow once we know some more details.


  1. Brenda, we are praying for you and John. After my stroke, I would have mini strokes in which they could not find the reason why. It is frustrating to hear "I don't know" to your questions. But know this: we are fearfully and wonderfully made. The God who made us knows the reason and He is watching over John. He will not bring us to something that He can not get us out. We will continue to lift John up to the Great Physician and you & your kids to the Comforter.

    Father God, watch over John. Guide the doctors and nurses who are caring for him. Show them the reason for this setback and direct them on how to alleviate it. Please send Your peace and comfort to Brenda and her wonderful children. It is a scary thing to see one's husband and father go through difficulties. Thank you for having them share their story with us and thank you for allowing us to love on them and pray for them. Father, we are so thankful for the great progress John has made and ask that you continue so he can give You praise for what You have done. We ask this in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    Brenda, we are praying for John, you, and the kids. What an inspiration all of you have been. May God show His blessing on your family.

  2. Dear Jon and Brenda:

    So sorry to hear of this new problem. I pray the doctors find the reason and can fix you up.

    Mark and I will continue to pray for you and keep you and your family lifted up.

    Love to you, Brenda and the kids,
