Sunday, September 11, 2011

it's Baaack!

I guess we've kind of settled in to a pattern where the blog updates will come weekly instead of more frequently. There just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to do all that we'd like. This is Jon writing again as Brenda and the kids off at church. I would have gone, but today is our annual polka service. (Yes, that says POLKA service.) We agreed that with the large crowd, duration of the service and my late night at work last night, it might be best for me to sit this one out. I really think Brenda was afraid I might get caught up in the spirit and try some ill-advised dancing. So it is a quick blog update for me while I eat breakfast and then back to bed for some rest.

It has been a very busy, but productive week. On Monday, we went to watch Jacob's first 7th grade football game. His team won 6-0 and he played well in his opportunities and really seemed to enjoy himself. I know his parents did and were very proud of him. It was my first football game as a pure fan in more than 15 years. It seemed strange not to have any real responsibilities other than just watching and enjoying the game. That's a pretty good feeling.

We also had a chance to watch Brooke's soccer game, a 0-0 tie, on Saturday. She also played pretty well during her chances and we greatly enjoyed that.

UMHB hosted its first home athletic events of the fall last week. One home volleyball match down and I survived the first home football game last night. There were a few minor glitches, but hopefully no one noticed any major differences in the way things went. I struggled with fatigue last night and am really feeling it today, but as my strength continues to increase, I know that will get better. We do it all again this week and raise the difficulty by adding TWO home volleyball matches, four home soccer matches and the first golf and tennis events of the fall to this Saturday's home football game.

I was able to turn out all of the work we normally do for home events last week and I'm proud of that. I also recorded the halftime interview for the radio broadcast. I was wishing that Kayla, my speech therapist from Waco, could have heard it. We are not far removed from me not having the vocal strength or expression to have done that and to me, it was another indication of how far we've come in just over three months.

We are also continuing with our usual therapy schedule, three days a week for occupational therapy and two days a week of physical therapy. My PT decided not to cut back to once a week, hopefully because she continues to see improvement. There are no major breakthroughs to report this week, but more slow and steady progress, which I guess is a breakthrough in its own way. I get the chance to get in the swimming pool on Monday and she mentioned trying to run in the pool! I am excited about that opportunity and I will be sure to fill you in next blog update.

One side note that was a bit of an eye-opener for me this week. On two different occasions, someone referenced me as "disabled" and "crippled". There was certainly no malice intended and it wasn't said in a derogatory fashion. But it caught me off guard. I certainly don't think of myself as disabled or crippled. I just think I walk with a limp and struggle with full use of my left arm. But it did make me realize that some people think of me in those terms or see me that way. It will be a bit of a mental adjustment for me to fully understand that, and it makes me more determined than ever to keep working hard to get back to where I was before May 20th.

I think that should just about catch you up on where we are. Hope you all have a wonderful end to your weekend. I am headed back to bed for a little bit. God Bless and thank you for your continued support!


  1. Hey:

    First of all....Jacob CANNOT possibly be in seventh grade. Jon, I remember when you carried him in to meet me when I first started working at UMHB. Dear Lord, time has flown by.

    Secondly, I am so proud of you and how you handled the excitement of the start-up of what will only get more hectic fall sports season. I hope that your intern and your student workers are helping you get through all of it. I worry that you will exhaust yourself, but I know that Brenda will probably keep you in check (if she can!).

    I continue to pray for you daily and have added the hectic schedule to those prayers. Please try to rest as much as possible.

    Take care and God bless.


  2. I'm so sorry you are experiencing this setback. We have our prayer meeting tonight at church. Jon and the entire family will be lifted up in prayer. I pray for a discovery of the source of the problem so Jon can confidently resume his recovery.
